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Alcohol De-Addiction Treatment

Alcohol has become common at parties, weddings, brunch, and holiday gatherings. Alcohol also takes the center piece of many people's weekends. But everything seems fine until it exceeds certain limits. It is challenging to stop the cravings for drinking once addiction sets in.


It leads to a loss of dignity and confidence in oneself. Alcoholism is a significant social issue in India, impacting numerous lives, relationships, and families.

Turning Point Foundation: Your Partner on the Path to Recovery

Teetotalism is a significant concern when considering the best treatment for alcohol addiction. Along with it, behavioural changes and psychological steadiness play a vital role in bringing an addicted person to natural life.

If you're unsure about seeking treatment for alcohol addiction, we recommend reading further to explore whether an alcohol treatment program might be necessary for you or a loved one.

Understanding Alcohol De-Addiction

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a prevalent condition where people are preoccupied with alcohol and out of control. It leads to dependency in various ways, including physical, emotional, and psychological aspects feeling a relentless desire for alcohol. We must understand that Alcoholism is a dreadful disorder. The alcoholic-addicted person is unaware of his actions, which makes a terrible and frightful experience for people around them. But there is hope - Our Alcohol De-Addiction Treatment will help individuals break free from alcohol addiction

In the case of an alcohol use disorder, symptoms can encompass physical, psychological, and behavioural aspects, including but not limited to:

  • Slurred speech, aggression, and agitation

  • Inability to limit alcohol intake

  • Blacking out or losing consciousness due to excessive drinking

  • Not able to stop drinking though you want to stop it

  • A sturdy craving for alcohol even when not drinking

  • Secretive alcohol usage and consumption more and more until getting sick

  • Failing to fulfil responsibilities of family, friends, and work because of drinking

  • Engaging in self-destructive or risky behaviours, such as driving and swimming while under the influence

  • Giving up social responsibility and work activities to use alcohol

  • Drinking in inappropriate situations, such as driving, swimming, etc

If you experience any of these issues, then it's time to seek help to regain your life. We at Turning Point Foundation provide excellent treatment services... for people experiencing these issues. Addiction is not discrimination; it can happen to any of us during our lifetime. Feel free to contact us to get into the Road of Recovery!
According to behavioural changes and symptoms, there are different Patterns of Alcohol Addiction. The categories include Binge Drinking, Chronic Heavy Drinking, Functional Alcoholism, High-Functioning Alcoholism, Withdrawal-Driven Drinking, and Loss of Control.. All these patterns are treatable, but the treatment process depends on the person suffering from the disorder

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The Causes of Alcohol Addiction

The causes of alcohol addiction are diverse, ranging from genetic factors to traumatic experiences.


They may include:

  • Genetic and family background

  • Stress or sadness

  • Influence from friends and family

  • Peer pressure

  • Mental health issues

  • Traumatic experiences

  • Lack of Support

  • Early initiation into alcohol consumption


Choosing Alcohol De-Addiction Treatment and Why it Matters

Life should be full of joy and happiness. Numbness of excessive things may tumble your happiness and love, which makes life miserable. When we know 'everything is possible in the world, taking back control of your life is also possible. There is a way out where you ...or your loved one can lead a peaceful life.We have transformed many lives by offering excellent, step-by-step treatment processes with care and patience. Moral and emotional support is one of the most needed and crucial qualities throughout the treatment process. We possess a team of dedicated and qualified individuals who offer exceptional care, counselling, and meditation sessions

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Process of Alcohol De-Addiction Treatment in Turning Point Foundation

While recovery is possible, constant supervision and complete care may be challenging to maintain at home. That's where our rehabilitation center comes in. Our mission is to be a guiding light for individuals, precede their overall health, and sustain healing....At Turning Point Foundation, we provide high-quality treatment processes, including a thorough assessment of the severity of risk levels and guiding them to choose the proper treatment and be wary of the treatment program. We empower natural healing with techniques to venture into an abstinent life

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Benefits of Alcohol De-Addiction Treatment

We provide several methods of treatment when they plan for a rehabilitation center. These depend on multiple factors such as the severity of their addiction, history with the substance, health and other risks associated, support system of the individual, and mental, physical, and emotional condition of the individual.... We are a team of Doctors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Medical & Psychiatric Social Workers, Staff Nurses, Admin Staff, Caretakers, Safety & Security personnel, Cook and Housekeeping staff. We provide a comprehensive approach to people with addiction to understand the pros and cons and decide their road to recovery. We educate them and make them aware of what they are going through and what is needed to benefit them in the long run

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